In the wake of the global coronavirus pandemic, the resilience of small and medium enterprises has been put to the ultimate test.
The EU4Business team perfectly understand that SMEs face challenges to keep their business afloat. Entrepreneurs find it difficult to regularly adapt to newly-emerging regulations and market requirements, maintain the workforce, seek investments and continue operations with limited or negligible cash reserves after the lockdown.
To help SMEs withstand the coronavirus economic challenges, we have launched unique Covid-19 Information Support platforms for small and medium enterprises in the Eastern Partnership region. All major local business-related economic opportunities and decisions are brought together there. The webpages provide guidance on the available measures in order to mitigate COVID-19 impact on business in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.
On our new webpages, you will find information about credit and loan opportunities as well as grant programmes available for business within the framework of EU4Business. Specific support measures initiated by the governments in 6 EaP countries to support entrepreneurship are also listed as well as a number of COVID-related resources to get free business advice and various online services in the local context.
Check out the Covid-19 Information Support Platform in Your Country:
- Armenia: https://covid-19-armenia.eu4business.eu
- Azerbaijan: https://covid-19-azerbaijan.eu4business.eu
- Belarus: https://covid-19-belarus.eu4business.eu
- Georgia: https://covid-19-georgia.eu4business.eu
- Moldova: https://covid-19-moldova.eu4business.eu
- Ukraine: http://smemap.eu4business.eu/#covid19
We do hope that you, whether you are an SME or support SMEs, will take advantage of the new webpages to stay safe and informed during this time!