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AZPROMO is a joint public–private enterprise established by the Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan in order to attract foreign investment in the non-oil sector and encourage exports of non-oil products. Agency promotes Azerbaijani products in the foreign markets, raises awareness among foreign consumers, facilitates networking with local companies, supports foreign companies to gather comprehensive information about the investment climate in Azerbaijan, and provides services to interested investors based on a 'single window' principle. Thus AZPROMO contributes to expansion of cooperation between local and foreign business communities.
“ABAD” is a public legal entity run by the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations. The organization carries out socially-oriented projects ensuring the active participation of the citizens in the socio-economic life of the country. It helps developing micro, small and medium entrepreneurship, raising the employment rate of the population and supporting the formation of competitive family businesses. “ABAD” centers provide business planning, equipment, marketing, training courses, branding and design, financial accounting and legal assistance services to family households.
Main goal is to provide financial support to business entities in Azerbaijan, to achieve the development of cooperation between the government and entrepreneurs and creation of an environment ground on mutual trust through the promotion of the best international practices on improvement of state support mechanisms for the development of entrepreneurship.
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is an international entity providing financial support to many countries across the world. EBRD helps SMEs with access to financing and advice helping them to innovate, grow and reach their potential. Organization is also encouraging lending by banks and non-bank financial institutions as well as by helping develop local currency and capital markets.
The European Union for Azerbaijan website showcasing EU projects in the country. It delivers detailed information on dozens of EU-funded as well as business-oriented projects currently active in Azerbaijan. The website also provides regular news updates on projects and list of opportunities available via EU funding.
KOBİA provides support and services to micro, small and medium enterprises and those seeking to launch their own business in the fields of information, advice, training, legal assistance, coordination with other state institutions, boosting access to markets and financial resources, and protecting the interests of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs seeking to establish their own business and expand their current entrepreneurial profile can apply to Agency or to the SMB Friends operating in different cities and regions.
The Agrarian Services Agency was established with the aim of optimizing and increasing the efficiency of public services provided in the agrarian sector, implementing these public services with less resource expenditure, improving administrative management in this area by saving public funds, organizing quality control in the implementation of services, increasing transparency, introducing innovative solutions, accelerating the transition to electronic services and increasing citizen satisfaction. Ensuring animal health, increasing productivity of livestock, plant health, and seed Management in agriculture are among the main goals of AXA. The agency also carries out the organization of public services related to vehicles and other agricultural machinery, as well as state control in the areas of selection achievements, seed production and agricultural machinery.
The main purpose of the confederation is to actively participate in the development of Azerbaijan's integration into the world economic system, to use the existing potential of its members to help solve socioeconomic problems in the country, create new jobs, and strengthen business activity and entrepreneurship. Mission of this organization is being the voice and closest partners of all entrepreneurs (employers) in Azerbaijan, to establish a dialogue for the regulation of entrepreneur-state, entrepreneur-employee relations, and to support the sustainable development of entrepreneurship in the country. It also contributes to the further strengthening of market infrastructure and the development of entrepreneurship in accordance with the directions of state programs.
This project aims to actively involve young people from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in policy dialogue and decision-making process. It provides substantial capacity-building support to key stakeholders of the youth sector in the six countries and promotes networking, exchange, and mutual learning between key state and non-state actors within the EaP region and relevant peer organisations from the EU.
The Project aims to contribute to the development of a more favourable social entrepreneurship ecosystem in the Eastern Partnership region through raising awareness, promotion of social innovation, and relevant exchanges with various policy and decision-making stakeholders. This will ultimately increase the number of social investors, social entrepreneurs, and collaboration across the region. As a result, civil society organisations and social enterprises will benefit from social investment to become sustainable and have a positive societal impact.
The National Erasmus+ Office assists the European Commission, the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and the national authorities in the implementation of the ERASMUS+ Programme. It follows closely the policy developments in Azerbaijan, particularly in the field of higher education but also at other levels of education, if required. Besides the EU Delegation, the NEO is a focal point in the country for all actors, potential applicants, beneficiaries and other stakeholders as regards the EU cooperation activities in education under the ERASMUS+ programme.
The main tasks of the project are devoted to the promotion of economic cooperation between EU and Azerbaijan, strengthening awareness of the business climate and investment opportunities in Azerbaijan, and enhancing public-private dialogue.
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