OECD is inviting you to register for three peer review sessions in zoom webinar format in the coming weeks. The webinars will focus on country-specific priorities in the wake of Covid-19 economic shocks.
MOLDOVA: 17 June
Deeper integration with foreign markets and development of supply-chain linkages offer a way out of the Covid-19 crisis for a small open economy like Moldova. The OECD Eurasia Competitiveness Programme organises a peer review session of Moldova on 17 June, to look at challenges and opportunities of supply chain linkages between food producers and large food retailers operating in Moldova. Register here to participate in the peer review.
UKRAINE: 18 June
SMEs have been severely hit by the Covid-19 health and economic crisis. Sound policies for SME development will be key for restoring economic growth and promote an inclusive recovery. The OECD Eurasia Competitiveness Programme organises a peer review session of Ukraine on 18 June, to look at the implementation status of Ukraine’s SME Strategy and its monitoring system. Register here to participate in the peer review.
BELARUS: 25 June
The Government of Belarus has launched important reforms to support its SME sector in recent years, adopting a comprehensive SME development strategy and developing plans to establish a dedicated SME support agency. The OECD Eurasia Competitiveness Programme organises a peer review session of Belarus on 25 June, focusing on policies to provide effective Business Development Services to SMEs. Register here to participate in the peer review.