Azerbaijan has published a strategic roadmap for the development of trade and logistics, setting short, medium and long-term policy directions for economic development, but also defining a series of strategic priorities and actions to achieve those objectives.
Azerbaijan’s vision in logistics and trade by 2020 is to achieve the creation of added value for regional transit freight, in addition to attracting the freight traffic.
By 2025, it aims to significantly improve the logistics and trade infrastructure, driven by regulatory incentives to become more attractive in this sector in the region and to turn into an important hub.
Post-2025, Azerbaijan’s long-term aim is to become a regional logistics hub through efficiently operating logistics centres with strong connectivity to other countries.
By establishing a series of logistics centre in the country, Azerbaijan aims to increase its share of transit trade in the region, to achieve the following targets:
- 40% of Central Asia Black Sea route
- 25% of Central Asia and Europe route
- 3% of China and Europe route
- 40% of Russia and Iran route
- 25% of Iran and Black Sea route.
The EU4Business initiative supports Azerbaijan in diversifying its economy outside the oil sector, particularly supporting SMEs and encouraging trade. EU4business works with the government, associations and SMEs to develop a more business-friendly policy to contribute to long term socio-economic development.
Strategic Roadmap for development of logistics and trade in the Republic of Azerbaijan